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Requested resources
A Practical Guide for Amputees
The Amputee Diary
Understanding the healthcare system (Information sheet)
Understanding the role of healthcare providers
What to expect following amputation (Information sheet)
Returning home following a lower limb amputation (Information sheet)
Returning home following an upper limb amputation (Information sheet)
Grief and loss
Your mental health
Phantom pain (Information sheet)
How to set goals following amputation (Information sheet)
What to expect when trying a lower limb prosthesis (Information sheet)
Talking to your Prosthetist
Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD (Information sheet)
Regaining your independence (Information sheet)
Getting back into recreation (Information sheet)
How to prevent falls following an amputation (Information sheet)
Caring for your skin (Information sheet)
Self advocacy
Employment and careers
Partial Foot Amputation (Information sheet)
Support for carers
Tips for Wheelchair Users
Foot care tips for amputees
Hygiene tips for amputees
Skin care tips for amputees
Amputee checklist
Funding Support for partners and carers of amputees
Beginning the caregiver journey
Navigating the healthcare system for partners and carers
Supporting your partner or loved one