Keep up to date with all the latest news from Limbs 4 Life.
Areas of interest
Disability advocate Tricia Malowney shares some tips and personal insights about self advocating.
Areas of interest
The results are now in!
Find out Diabetes Peer Support Groups in your area.
Funding and prosthetics
The National Disability Insurance Scheme has finally been made available to people with disabilities in WA
Research and evaluation
Have you had an amputation? If so, students from the Lancaster University would like to know more about you.
Research and evaluation
Are you living with a Syme or Boyd amputation, or are you a parent of someone who is?
Funding and prosthetics
The World Health Organization has published new Standards for Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Areas of interest
Want to take the Global Prosthetic Socket Survey (leg) conducted by the International Confederation of Amputee Associations? Take it now.
Funding and prosthetics
A veteran or person with a disability can purchase a car GST-free if eligible. Find out if you qualify for the scheme.
Funding and prosthetics
Research and evaluation
The importance of self-care and regular check-ups with podiatrists with Dr. Reed.
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A Practical Guide for Amputees is a must-read publication for new amputees and their families.
Ways to manage body heat in amputees
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