Keep up to date with all the latest news from Limbs 4 Life.
Research and evaluation
At the University of Bath, we are working on developing a system to help you better control upper limb prostheses.
We need your help to respond to the lack of access to assistive technology for people who are not eligible for NDIS funding support.
Research and evaluation
Take part in a research opportunity for people who have had an upper limb amputation due to trauma.
Areas of interest
Kath is a Peer Support Volunteer, keen member of the amputee golfing community and a person who is not afraid to try new things.
Carers play a vital role in helping people to recover and provide support on a day to day basis.
Areas of interest
Thank you to all of our Peer Support volunteers for your continued dedication to the amputee community.
Research and evaluation
Do you/your child have an activity prosthesis such as a running blade or a cycling arm? Are you/your child aged 25 or under?
Areas of interest
Limbs 4 Life are conducting a Employment Experiences Survey and we want to hear from you
Research and evaluation
If you (or your child) has an arm or hand absence / difference, we are really keen to hear YOUR feedback
COVID-19 Updates and Support
Funding and prosthetics
Volunteers needed
The Amputee Diary helps people with limb loss to write down questions and record their goals and achievements.
Research and evaluation
Phantom Limb Pain Study
Research and evaluation
This paper is focussed more on the technology side of upper limb prosthetics.
Areas of interest
NZ Kids with Limb Loss - Facebook Support Group
Areas of interest
Limbs 4 Life is excited to launch our new podcast channel - "Missing Bits"
Areas of interest
Limbs 4 Life is proud to announce the launch the National Amputee Advisory Council.
Areas of interest
Disability advocate Tricia Malowney shares some tips and personal insights about self advocating.
Keep up to date with our latest news, events and information