Keep up to date with all the latest news from Limbs 4 Life.
Campbell will be speaking about the impact of para sport at AMPed Up 2025!
Korrin's inspired thousands of people worldwide to not give up, to draw on their own resilience and to live their lives unlimited.
Kylie's speaking and exhibiting at AMPed Up 2025 and she can't wait!
Know your rights and choose a travel insurance policy that suits your needs.
Funding and prosthetics
Limbs 4 Life's CEO, Melissa, and Program Manager, Mike, featured on an episode of The House of Wellness.
Losing a limb can be a devastating experience for individuals and their families. Find out how these practical strategies can help you.
A best practice guide for upper limb amputation rehabilitation has been created to provide a baseline service guide for upper limb amputees
What to do if you experience an adverse event or problem relating to therapeutic goods, including medical devices and medication.
Are you conducting research or studies relating to amputee treatment or care?
Areas of interest
You've had an amputation. What can you expect in the first 12 months?
Funding and prosthetics
This change may affect how you access the 'my NDIS' portal.
Peer Support
We’d like to if and how you feel supported in your role as a partner/carer or family member of an amputee.
Areas of interest
Every person is different and has a unique lifestyle so your wheelchair isn't a 'one size fits all' item.
People who are over 65 rarely have access to high-end and complex prosthetic devices. Why isn't there a consistent approach for everyone?
Research and evaluation
Limbs 4 Life have submitted a report to the NDIS Review, based on feedback gathered from our amputee community.
Most of us are still struggling with the impact that Covid 19 has had on our lives. We share some tips that may help.
Areas of interest
Prosthetic limbs aren’t used by all amputees. There are many factors that influence a person’s decisions when it comes to mobility.
Areas of interest
One of my favourite things to do is people-watch, for all of the extra things we do to express our own style, personality or even moods
Areas of interest
People are often concerned that an amputation will mean they are unable to drive again. With the support of modications driving is possible
Research and evaluation
Uni/NSW are leading a project to better understand what type of prosthesis is best suited to walking/running for children
Keep up to date with our latest news, events and information