How can Limbs 4 Life help me?

Limbs 4 Life works to empower amputees and their family members so that you do not have to go through the journey of limb loss alone.

Whether you have already had an amputation, you are a person facing an amputation, or the partner, family member or carer of an amputee; Limbs 4 Life is here to assist you. 

We do this via:

  • Offering Peer Support;
  • Providing you with access to free up to date information and resources;
  • Re-connecting you with your community;
  • Promoting social inclusion;
  • Helping you and your loved ones to navigate your way forward through the recovery phase of your journey.

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People who undergo amputation can experience a myriad of emotions. Some common reactions can include sadness, anger, grief, anxiety and depression. 

The different emotions experienced may not only be due to the physical loss of a limb but also the impact that an limb amputation will have on family life, career, lifestyle and socialisation. Treatment approaches for each of these emotions will most likely be varied. Appropriate counselling and therapy can help with emotional adjustments.  Some amputees may also struggle with body image, which can affect sexual drive or intimacy. 

Individuals experiencing these feelings should seek advice from a sexual health counsellor.  Speak to your GP or Rehabilitation Consultant to contact the most appropriate service to meet your needs. 

Speaking to another amputee who has lived with the physical and emotional challenges of limb loss can sometimes help with the adjustment. If you would like to speak to or meet with another amputee, contact us today!