State and Territory Artificial Limb Schemes

State and Territory Artificial Limb Schemes
To find out about the Artificial Limb Scheme in your state or territory, read the information below and click the relevant link in your state or territory. For more information, contact us today.

In Australia, your first (interim) prosthesis, and related prosthetic supports are funded by the health department.

If you are not eligible for other funding programs (e.g. the NDIS, Department of Veterans’ Affairs or an insurance company because of a motor vehicle or workplace accident) your second (definitive) and future prosthesis will continue to be provided by a prosthetic service in your state or territory.

You will also continue to receive other prosthetic service supports, such as socket replacements, reasonable repair and maintenance, and consumables (e.g. shrinkers, liners, stump socks and limb covers if required).

To find out more about the scheme in your state or territory visit:

Australian Capital Territory
ACT Artificial Limb Scheme (ACTALS)

New South Wales
EnableNSW Prosthetic Limb Service

Northern Territory
Top end health services

Queensland Artificial Limb Service (QALS)

Orthotic Prosthetic Services Tasmania (OPST)

South Australia
Orthotics and Prosthetics SA (OPSA)

Western Australia
Western Australian Limb Service for Amputees (WALSA)

The Victorian Artificial Limb Program (VALP) is administered by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and linked to a number of metropolitan Melbourne and regional hospitals. To find out about a provider in your local area speak to your healthcare provider or contact Limbs 4 Life.

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