Our Staff

Our Staff
  • Melissa Noonan AM MAICD

    Melissa is an above-knee amputee with a background in national account sales and marketing. She has a Diploma of Community Education/Disability and has completed a course in Acute Trauma Counselling. Melissa has held board and advisory members positions for local and state governments and disability/community non-profit organisations. Since co-founding Limbs 4 Life, Melissa has been credited with a number of awards and been recognised for her work within the community. Melissa is passionate about creating positive outcomes for the amputee community and disability related sector. Melissa is a board member with the Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association (ARATA).

    Melissa Noonan AM MAICD
  • Bruce Jacques
    Community Engagement Officer

    Bruce is a below knee amputee from road trauma at age 26. From the outset Bruce attributes his recovery followed by two decades of varied work and activities to a holistic and positive attitude. With 2 concurrent careers Bruce has most recently held ship commands as Master in Specialist Offshore Oil & Gas vessels, interspersed with music performance around Melbourne, also formerly operating a recording studio and teaching audio technical production at RMIT University.

    A long-time supporter of Limbs 4 Life, Bruce is excited to now apply a broad range of skills across the organisation with a focus on Peer Support Programs, helping amputees embrace a positive mindset towards recovery, and making their goals, big and small, achievable.

    Bruce also contributes to the Monash Partners Medical Research Alliance as a community and consumer representative , with a similar role for the Monash Institute of Medical Engineering.

    Bruce Jacques
  • Kylie Franson
    Peer Support Program Coordinator

    Kylie was born with a congenital upper limb difference and has a background in the not-for-profit sector. Kylie has also run diversity programs in schools for many years and has been a Peer Support Volunteer with Limbs 4 Life since 2010.

    Kylie is passionate about supporting people with a limb difference to achieve positive outcomes and is now working within Limbs 4 Life to expand the organisation’s Peer Support Program nationally.

    Kylie Franson
  • Jacquetta Rogers
    Administration Assistant

    Jacquetta has extensive experience in customer service and sales. She worked as a Sales Consultant at QANTAS for over 11 years and then left the industry in 2015 to become a full-time parent. More recently, Jacquetta was employed as a Research Assistant for Alpha Crucis Group, where she performed various tasks for a multitude of companies and organisations, with a focus on Health Economics. Here, she gained experience in healthcare, community care and the disability sector. Jacquetta also has valuable lived experience and insight regarding people with limb loss as she lived with a person who is a bi-lateral, below knee amputee for over 20 years.

    Jacquetta Rogers
  • Nella Pipes
    Administration Assistant

    Nella is a resilient, three-time cancer survivor who became an above-knee amputee at the age of 10 years due to osteosarcoma. She's a proud wife, and mother of two late-teen children. With over 20 years' experience in administration, finance, service coordination and customer service, Nella is passionate about supporting individuals with disabilities and making sure they have access to the resources and assistance that they need. Her lived experience brings a unique perspective and a deep commitment to making a positive impact in the limb loss community. 

    Nella Pipes